


屏幕快照 2016-03-11 下午8.36.19

屏幕快照 2016-03-11 下午8.36.45

首先不考虑实体类的继承,这两张表对应着两个独立的实体类:(请暂时忽略下面实体类属性的数据类型与mysql的表字段类型的不完全匹配 =。=#)

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@Table(name = "bs_odds_1x2")
public class Odds1x2 implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Column(name = "id")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
@Column(name = "match_id")
private long matchId;
@Column(name = "update_time")
private long updateTime;
@Column(name = "bookmaker_id")
private long bookmakerId;
@Column(name = "active")
private boolean active;
@Column(name = "home_odds")
private double homeOdds;
@Column(name = "draw_odds")
private double drawOdds;
@Column(name = "away_odds")
private double awayOdds;
@Entity @Table(name = "bs_odds_1x2") public class Odds1x2 implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Column(name = "id") @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private long id; @Column(name = "match_id") private long matchId; @Column(name = "update_time") private long updateTime; @Column(name = "bookmaker_id") private long bookmakerId; @Column(name = "active") private boolean active; @Column(name = "home_odds") private double homeOdds; @Column(name = "draw_odds") private double drawOdds; @Column(name = "away_odds") private double awayOdds; }
@Table(name = "bs_odds_1x2")
public class Odds1x2 implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @Column(name = "id")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private long id;
    @Column(name = "match_id")
    private long matchId;
    @Column(name = "update_time")
    private long updateTime;
    @Column(name = "bookmaker_id")
    private long bookmakerId;
    @Column(name = "active")
    private boolean active;
    @Column(name = "home_odds")
    private double homeOdds;
    @Column(name = "draw_odds")
    private double drawOdds;
    @Column(name = "away_odds")
    private double awayOdds;
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@Table(name = "bs_odds_handicap")
public class OddsHandicap implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Column(name = "id")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
@Column(name = "match_id")
private long matchId;
@Column(name = "update_time")
private long updateTime;
@Column(name = "bookmaker_id")
private long bookmakerId;
@Column(name = "active")
private boolean active;
@Column(name = "granter")
private char granter;
@Column(name = "granter_number")
private int granterNumber;
@Column(name = "home_odds")
private double homeOdds;
@Column(name = "away_odds")
private double awayOdds;
@Entity @Table(name = "bs_odds_handicap") public class OddsHandicap implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Column(name = "id") @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private long id; @Column(name = "match_id") private long matchId; @Column(name = "update_time") private long updateTime; @Column(name = "bookmaker_id") private long bookmakerId; @Column(name = "active") private boolean active; @Column(name = "granter") private char granter; @Column(name = "granter_number") private int granterNumber; @Column(name = "home_odds") private double homeOdds; @Column(name = "away_odds") private double awayOdds; }
@Table(name = "bs_odds_handicap")
public class OddsHandicap implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @Column(name = "id")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private long id;
    @Column(name = "match_id")
    private long matchId;
    @Column(name = "update_time")
    private long updateTime;
    @Column(name = "bookmaker_id")
    private long bookmakerId;
    @Column(name = "active")
    private boolean active;
    @Column(name = "granter")
    private char granter;
    @Column(name = "granter_number")
    private int granterNumber;
    @Column(name = "home_odds")
    private double homeOdds;
    @Column(name = "away_odds")
    private double awayOdds;





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public class Odds {
protected long id;
protected long matchId;
protected long updateTime;
protected long bookmakerId;
protecetd boolean active;
public class Odds { protected long id; protected long matchId; protected long updateTime; protected long bookmakerId; protecetd boolean active; }
public class Odds {
    protected long id;
    protected long matchId;
    protected long updateTime;
    protected long bookmakerId;
    protecetd boolean active;







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@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public class Odds {
@Column(name = "id")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
protected long id;
protected long matchId;
protected long updateTime;
protected long bookmakerId;
protected boolean active;
@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) public class Odds { @Column(name = "id") @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) protected long id; protected long matchId; protected long updateTime; protected long bookmakerId; protected boolean active; }
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public class Odds {
    @Column(name = "id")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    protected long id;
    protected long matchId;
    protected long updateTime;
    protected long bookmakerId;
    protected boolean active;
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@Table(name = "bs_odds_1x2")
public class Odds1x2 extends Odds {
@Column(name = "home_odds")
private double homeOdds;
@Column(name = "draw_odds")
private double drawOdds;
@Column(name = "away_odds")
private double awayOdds;
@Entity @Table(name = "bs_odds_1x2") public class Odds1x2 extends Odds { @Column(name = "home_odds") private double homeOdds; @Column(name = "draw_odds") private double drawOdds; @Column(name = "away_odds") private double awayOdds; }
@Table(name = "bs_odds_1x2")
public class Odds1x2 extends Odds {
    @Column(name = "home_odds")
    private double homeOdds;
    @Column(name = "draw_odds")
    private double drawOdds;
    @Column(name = "away_odds")
    private double awayOdds;
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@Table(name = "bs_odds_handicap")
public class OddsHandicap extends Odds {
@Column(name = "granter")
private char granter;
@Column(name = "granter_number")
private int granterNumber;
@Column(name = "home_odds")
private double homeOdds;
@Column(name = "away_odds")
private double awayOdds;
@Entity @Table(name = "bs_odds_handicap") public class OddsHandicap extends Odds { @Column(name = "granter") private char granter; @Column(name = "granter_number") private int granterNumber; @Column(name = "home_odds") private double homeOdds; @Column(name = "away_odds") private double awayOdds; }
@Table(name = "bs_odds_handicap")
public class OddsHandicap extends Odds {
    @Column(name = "granter")
    private char granter;
    @Column(name = "granter_number")
    private int granterNumber;
    @Column(name = "home_odds")
    private double homeOdds;
    @Column(name = "away_odds")
    private double awayOdds; 


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drop table if exists Odds
drop table if exists bs_odds_1x2
drop table if exists bs_odds_handicap
create table Odds (
id bigint not null auto_increment,
active bit not null,
bookmakerId bigint not null,
matchId bigint not null,
updateTime bigint not null,
primary key (id)
create table bs_odds_1x2 (
away_odds double precision,
draw_odds double precision,
home_odds double precision,
id bigint not null,
primary key (id)
create table bs_odds_handicap (
away_odds double precision,
granter char(1),
granter_number integer,
home_odds double precision,
id bigint not null,
primary key (id)
alter table bs_odds_1x2
add constraint FK_cu80slpty9rvkqutehdh9j8yi
foreign key (id)
references Odds (id)
alter table bs_odds_handicap
add constraint FK_h5jiior7m529wka437y4vlki5
foreign key (id)
references Odds (id)
Hibernate: drop table if exists Odds Hibernate: drop table if exists bs_odds_1x2 Hibernate: drop table if exists bs_odds_handicap Hibernate: create table Odds ( id bigint not null auto_increment, active bit not null, bookmakerId bigint not null, matchId bigint not null, updateTime bigint not null, primary key (id) ) Hibernate: create table bs_odds_1x2 ( away_odds double precision, draw_odds double precision, home_odds double precision, id bigint not null, primary key (id) ) Hibernate: create table bs_odds_handicap ( away_odds double precision, granter char(1), granter_number integer, home_odds double precision, id bigint not null, primary key (id) ) Hibernate: alter table bs_odds_1x2 add constraint FK_cu80slpty9rvkqutehdh9j8yi foreign key (id) references Odds (id) Hibernate: alter table bs_odds_handicap add constraint FK_h5jiior7m529wka437y4vlki5 foreign key (id) references Odds (id)
    drop table if exists Odds
    drop table if exists bs_odds_1x2
    drop table if exists bs_odds_handicap
    create table Odds (
        id bigint not null auto_increment,
        active bit not null,
        bookmakerId bigint not null,
        matchId bigint not null,
        updateTime bigint not null,
        primary key (id)
    create table bs_odds_1x2 (
        away_odds double precision,
        draw_odds double precision,
        home_odds double precision,
        id bigint not null,
        primary key (id)
    create table bs_odds_handicap (
        away_odds double precision,
        granter char(1),
        granter_number integer,
        home_odds double precision,
        id bigint not null,
        primary key (id)
    alter table bs_odds_1x2 
        add constraint FK_cu80slpty9rvkqutehdh9j8yi 
        foreign key (id) 
        references Odds (id)
    alter table bs_odds_handicap 
        add constraint FK_h5jiior7m529wka437y4vlki5 
        foreign key (id) 
        references Odds (id)




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@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public class Odds {
@Column(name = "id")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
protected long id;
protected long matchId;
protected long updateTime;
protected long bookmakerId;
protected boolean active;
@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) public class Odds { @Column(name = "id") @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) protected long id; protected long matchId; protected long updateTime; protected long bookmakerId; protected boolean active; }
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public class Odds {
    @Column(name = "id")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    protected long id;
    protected long matchId;
    protected long updateTime;
    protected long bookmakerId;
    protected boolean active;


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drop table if exists Odds
create table Odds (
DTYPE varchar(31) not null,
id bigint not null auto_increment,
active bit not null,
bookmakerId bigint not null,
matchId bigint not null,
updateTime bigint not null,
away_odds double precision,
draw_odds double precision,
home_odds double precision,
granter char(1),
granter_number integer,
primary key (id)
Hibernate: drop table if exists Odds Hibernate: create table Odds ( DTYPE varchar(31) not null, id bigint not null auto_increment, active bit not null, bookmakerId bigint not null, matchId bigint not null, updateTime bigint not null, away_odds double precision, draw_odds double precision, home_odds double precision, granter char(1), granter_number integer, primary key (id) )
    drop table if exists Odds
    create table Odds (
        DTYPE varchar(31) not null,
        id bigint not null auto_increment,
        active bit not null,
        bookmakerId bigint not null,
        matchId bigint not null,
        updateTime bigint not null,
        away_odds double precision,
        draw_odds double precision,
        home_odds double precision,
        granter char(1),
        granter_number integer,
        primary key (id)

屏幕快照 2016-03-11 下午11.25.15




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@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
public class Odds {
@Column(name = "id")
protected long id;
protected long matchId;
protected long updateTime;
protected long bookmakerId;
protected boolean active;
@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) public class Odds { @Column(name = "id") @Id protected long id; protected long matchId; protected long updateTime; protected long bookmakerId; protected boolean active; }
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
public class Odds {
    @Column(name = "id")
    protected long id;
    protected long matchId;
    protected long updateTime;
    protected long bookmakerId;
    protected boolean active;


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create table Odds (
id bigint not null,
active bit not null,
bookmakerId bigint not null,
matchId bigint not null,
updateTime bigint not null,
primary key (id)
create table bs_odds_1x2 (
id bigint not null,
active bit not null,
bookmakerId bigint not null,
matchId bigint not null,
updateTime bigint not null,
away_odds double precision,
draw_odds double precision,
home_odds double precision,
primary key (id)
create table bs_odds_handicap (
id bigint not null,
active bit not null,
bookmakerId bigint not null,
matchId bigint not null,
updateTime bigint not null,
away_odds double precision,
granter char(1),
granter_number integer,
home_odds double precision,
primary key (id)
Hibernate: create table Odds ( id bigint not null, active bit not null, bookmakerId bigint not null, matchId bigint not null, updateTime bigint not null, primary key (id) ) Hibernate: create table bs_odds_1x2 ( id bigint not null, active bit not null, bookmakerId bigint not null, matchId bigint not null, updateTime bigint not null, away_odds double precision, draw_odds double precision, home_odds double precision, primary key (id) ) Hibernate: create table bs_odds_handicap ( id bigint not null, active bit not null, bookmakerId bigint not null, matchId bigint not null, updateTime bigint not null, away_odds double precision, granter char(1), granter_number integer, home_odds double precision, primary key (id) )
    create table Odds (
        id bigint not null,
        active bit not null,
        bookmakerId bigint not null,
        matchId bigint not null,
        updateTime bigint not null,
        primary key (id)
    create table bs_odds_1x2 (
        id bigint not null,
        active bit not null,
        bookmakerId bigint not null,
        matchId bigint not null,
        updateTime bigint not null,
        away_odds double precision,
        draw_odds double precision,
        home_odds double precision,
        primary key (id)
    create table bs_odds_handicap (
        id bigint not null,
        active bit not null,
        bookmakerId bigint not null,
        matchId bigint not null,
        updateTime bigint not null,
        away_odds double precision,
        granter char(1),
        granter_number integer,
        home_odds double precision,
        primary key (id)



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public class Odds {
@Column(name = "id")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
protected long id;
protected long matchId;
protected long updateTime;
protected long bookmakerId;
protected boolean active;
@MappedSuperclass public class Odds { @Column(name = "id") @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) protected long id; protected long matchId; protected long updateTime; protected long bookmakerId; protected boolean active; }
public class Odds {
    @Column(name = "id")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    protected long id;
    protected long matchId;
    protected long updateTime;
    protected long bookmakerId;
    protected boolean active;
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@Table(name = "bs_odds_1x2")
public class Odds1x2 extends Odds {
@Column(name = "home_odds")
private double homeOdds;
@Column(name = "draw_odds")
private double drawOdds;
@Column(name = "away_odds")
private double awayOdds;
@Entity @Table(name = "bs_odds_1x2") public class Odds1x2 extends Odds { @Column(name = "home_odds") private double homeOdds; @Column(name = "draw_odds") private double drawOdds; @Column(name = "away_odds") private double awayOdds; }
@Table(name = "bs_odds_1x2")
public class Odds1x2 extends Odds {
    @Column(name = "home_odds")
    private double homeOdds;
    @Column(name = "draw_odds")
    private double drawOdds;
    @Column(name = "away_odds")
    private double awayOdds;
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@Table(name = "bs_odds_handicap")
public class OddsHandicap extends Odds {
@Column(name = "granter")
private char granter;
@Column(name = "granter_number")
private int granterNumber;
@Column(name = "home_odds")
private double homeOdds;
@Column(name = "away_odds")
private double awayOdds;
@Entity @Table(name = "bs_odds_handicap") public class OddsHandicap extends Odds { @Column(name = "granter") private char granter; @Column(name = "granter_number") private int granterNumber; @Column(name = "home_odds") private double homeOdds; @Column(name = "away_odds") private double awayOdds; }
@Table(name = "bs_odds_handicap")
public class OddsHandicap extends Odds {
    @Column(name = "granter")
    private char granter;
    @Column(name = "granter_number")
    private int granterNumber;
    @Column(name = "home_odds")
    private double homeOdds;
    @Column(name = "away_odds")
    private double awayOdds;


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drop table if exists bs_odds_1x2
drop table if exists bs_odds_handicap
create table bs_odds_1x2 (
id bigint not null auto_increment,
active bit not null,
bookmakerId bigint not null,
matchId bigint not null,
updateTime bigint not null,
away_odds double precision,
draw_odds double precision,
home_odds double precision,
primary key (id)
create table bs_odds_handicap (
id bigint not null auto_increment,
active bit not null,
bookmakerId bigint not null,
matchId bigint not null,
updateTime bigint not null,
away_odds double precision,
granter char(1),
granter_number integer,
home_odds double precision,
primary key (id)
Hibernate: drop table if exists bs_odds_1x2 Hibernate: drop table if exists bs_odds_handicap Hibernate: create table bs_odds_1x2 ( id bigint not null auto_increment, active bit not null, bookmakerId bigint not null, matchId bigint not null, updateTime bigint not null, away_odds double precision, draw_odds double precision, home_odds double precision, primary key (id) ) Hibernate: create table bs_odds_handicap ( id bigint not null auto_increment, active bit not null, bookmakerId bigint not null, matchId bigint not null, updateTime bigint not null, away_odds double precision, granter char(1), granter_number integer, home_odds double precision, primary key (id) )
    drop table if exists bs_odds_1x2
    drop table if exists bs_odds_handicap
    create table bs_odds_1x2 (
        id bigint not null auto_increment,
        active bit not null,
        bookmakerId bigint not null,
        matchId bigint not null,
        updateTime bigint not null,
        away_odds double precision,
        draw_odds double precision,
        home_odds double precision,
        primary key (id)
    create table bs_odds_handicap (
        id bigint not null auto_increment,
        active bit not null,
        bookmakerId bigint not null,
        matchId bigint not null,
        updateTime bigint not null,
        away_odds double precision,
        granter char(1),
        granter_number integer,
        home_odds double precision,
        primary key (id)


屏幕快照 2016-03-12 上午12.44.32 屏幕快照 2016-03-12 上午12.44.41





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